North East Corridor Model, USA

Travel Model Development

Robert Shull, President of Eco Resource Management Systems Inc, while Vice President of PTV America led the team to develop the NE Corridor Model for Mygistics, Inc. for use in providing real time traffic data. This model encompasses the area from Maine through Virginia and comprises 14,500 zones and 1.78 million links with a forecast resolution of each hour of the week. This model was in the process of being expanded to include the entire continental United States with 65,000 zones. Data management was of key importance and the project included development of a metadata manager for use in planned annual updates.

Point Wells, Washington

Traffic Impact Analysis 2011

David Evans and Associates requested the assistance of Eco Resource Management Systems Inc. to develop a specialized traffic impact analysis model for use in analysis of impacts of the Point Wells development. The PSRC trip matrices and Navteq networks were used to develop a quick response model with the ability to conduct detailed intersection Level of Service (LOS) Analysis.

County of Strathcona, Alberta

Travel Model Update Support 2010

Eco Resource Management Systems assisted Stantec in updating and calibration of the VISUM model for the County of Strathcona, Alberta. Stantec staff had converted and expanded the TMODEL model and added transit interacting with the City of Edmonton. ERMSI reviewed the model and assisted with final model calibration and validation.

Gallup, New Mexico

Travel Demand Modeling Support 2009-2010

Providing assistance to Wilson and Company, PTV converted the Gallup TMODEL model to VISUM. The model was updated with available information and recalibrated for current data. Assistance was provided for alternative scenario analyses including intersection LOS.

Skagit Council of Governments, Washington

Transportation Model Update 2007-2010

PTV America worked with SCOG to update their model in VISUM. Efforts included assistance with household survey development and integration of the resulting data set in the SCOG regional travel demand model. PTV America staff also worked with SCOG and Island County to update subarea models for long-range transportation planning efforts. Training was provided as an integral part of these efforts.

City of Auburn, Washington

Travel Demand Modeling Support 2006-2010

PTV America updated the City of Auburn travel demand model from TModel2 to VISUM to support long-rang transportation planning efforts and corridor analysis. PTV America staff reconstructed the model using a NAVTEQ network, built corridor and segment LOS evaluation tools, and graphics into the model. PTV America assisted City of Auburn staff with the development of scenarios and operation of the model including working with other consultants for development of the long range transportation plan.

Gig Harbor, Washington

SR 16 Corridor & On-Call Assistance 2008-2010

Working with the City of Gig Harbor, PTV America, Inc. developed micro-simulations using VISSIM of three proposed enhancements at the SR 16 interchange with Burnham/Borgen Drive. The study objective was to evaluate operations, specifically spillback and queuing onto the SR 16 mainline in the PM peak hour. The models will then be used to develop construction phasing plans and test interchange design and operational alternatives. VISUM was used as the base transportation model hub. Routing and demand from the forecast Gig Harbor models in VISUM provided the routing and freeway demand estimates. Subsequent efforts with the City included model update and recalibration for use in evaluation of concurrency.

Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council, Washington

Transportation Model 2008-2010

PTV America worked with WVTC staff to update the VISUM model for the MPO. The effort included updating the entering updated network, count, land use data, preparation of regional model for future micro-simulation efforts along North Wenatchee Avenue, development of a logit mode-choice model, headway based transit assignment, and recalibration of the model. PTV worked with the MPO to develop and present alternative improvement scenarios for 2030. The model was later updated for use in analysis of the SR285 corridor with an innovative process of multi-resolution modeling including Dynamic User Equilibrium assignment as an intermediate level. This process was used to screen alternatives before testing with micro-simulation with VISSIM.

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Model Conversion, Update & Forecasts 2006-2010

The Las Cruces model was converted from Emme/2, updated with current demographic data, and expanded to El Paso. The model network was enhanced with shape and background GIS files and the calibrated base year was updated with new data. This effort included two training sessions for Las Cruces and other New Mexico staff. The model was subsequently updated and reviewed for use with the I-25/I-10 Interchange process. In 2010 the model was updated with new transit routes and new forecast demographic data. Transit data was used to create a Google Transit Feed.

Deming, New Mexico

Model Development & Forecasts 2006-2010

PTV America, in cooperation with WH Pacific, developed a model using VISUM for the Deming area. This effort included defining Traffic Analysis Zones, developing the network from NAVTEQ navigation files, and developing procedures for trip generation, distribution and assignment. Trucks were modeled explicitly so the impacts of changes at the nearby border crossing could be included. Forecasts were provided for multiple scenarios and intersection Level of Service (LOS) was evaluated.

Chico, California

Model Update & Forecasts 2007-2009

The City of Chico model was completely redeveloped with an updated base year of 2007 by PTV America. This effort involved creating a new traffic analysis zone (TAZ) system that was coterminous with the TAZ system for the Butte County Association of Governments model. The model network was derived from NAVTEQ data which includes all streets in the model area. Transit routes and mode choice were incorporated. The model was calibrated for both the AM and PM peak hours. Future network and land use growth scenarios were tested with the model for the update of the City General Plan.

Kittitas County, Washington

Model Update & Forecasts 2008-2009

PTV America updated the Kittitas County model with updated land use and traffic count data to be used in forecasts for project analysis and the update of the transportation plan. This county is very diverse with mountain and seasonal recreational areas, farming, ranching, and encompasses a small-medium size urban area with a state university. The City of Ellensburg has been modeled with more detail and the model is used on City projects as well.

Valencia County, New Mexico

Model Development 2006-2009

In conjunction with Molzen-Corbin & Associates, PTV America expanded the Los Lunas model to incorporate all of Valencia County with the model area extended sufficiently to include interaction with the Albuquerque. This effort involved using MRCOG model and demographic data which was disaggregated and extended for more detail in the Valencia County area. The model was used to evaluate growth and network scenarios within the County. Subsequently the data was exported for use with RailRunner analysis and other regional efforts.

Naperville, Illinois

Model Update & Forecasts

Working with Naperville staff, PTV America updated the Naperville model for use with the periodic five year update of the traffic impact fee program. The model network and TAZ system were reviewed and updated for base and forecast conditions. Traffic counts at close to 300 intersections were entered and the model was recalibrated to the new counts. Forecasts were run with intersection outputs adjusted for Level of Service (LOS) analysis.